Geslacht: Rosa
Auteurs: L.
Nederlandse naam: Roos
Engelse namen: Rose, Roses
Duitse naam: Rose
Familie: Rosaceae (Rozenfamilie)

Rosa 'Ausbath' zie: Rosa 'Auswife'
Rosa 'Ausbeam' (Moonbeam)
Rosa 'Ausbells' (Bow Bells)
Rosa 'Ausbernard' (Munstead Wood)
Rosa 'Ausbilda' (Lochinvar)
Rosa 'Ausbite' (Spirit of Freedom)
Rosa 'Ausblanket' (Wollerton Old Hall)
Rosa 'Ausbloom' (The Dark Lady)
Rosa 'Ausblossom' (Peach Blossom)
Rosa 'Ausblush' (Heritage)
Rosa 'Ausboard' (Gertrude Jekyll)
Rosa 'Ausbonny' (Wildeve)
Rosa 'Ausbord' zie: Rosa 'Ausboard'
Rosa 'Ausbosky' (Hyde Hall)
Rosa 'Ausbottle' (Cordelia)
Rosa 'Ausbrass' (The Lady Gardener)
Rosa 'Ausbreak' (Jayne Austin)
Rosa 'Ausbred' (Bredon)
Rosa 'Ausbreeze' (Wisley 2008)
Rosa 'Ausbrid' (Mayor of Casterbridge)
Rosa 'Ausbrother' (Lady Emma Hamilton)
Rosa 'Ausbuff' (English Garden)
Rosa 'Ausburn' (Robbie Burns)
Rosa 'Ausburton' (Emily)
Rosa 'Ausbury' (Canterbury)
Rosa 'Ausca' (Fair Bianca)
Rosa 'Ausca' zie: Rosa 'Auscat'
Rosa 'Auscam' (Marinette)
Rosa 'Auscanary' (Malvern Hills)
Rosa 'Auscanterbury' (Canterbury)
Rosa 'Auscartoon' (Tottering-By-Gently)
Rosa 'Auscat' (Winchester Cathedral)
Rosa 'Auscent' (John Clare)
Rosa 'Auscer' (Chaucer)
Rosa 'Auscerise' (Tam O'shanter)
Rosa 'Auscezed' (Lady Salisbury)
Rosa 'Auschar' (Charity)
Rosa 'Auschestnut' (St. Alban)
Rosa 'Auschild' (Fisherman's Friend)
Rosa 'Auschimbley' (Bathsheba)
Rosa 'Auschool' (Blythe Spirit)
Rosa 'Ausclergy' (The Country Parson)
Rosa 'Ausclough' (Sir Clough)
Rosa 'Ausclub' zie: Rosa 'Ausvariety'
Rosa 'Auscoat' (Red Coat)
Rosa 'Auscomp' (Happy Child)
Rosa 'Auscon' zie: Rosa 'Auscer'
Rosa 'Auscook' (Heather Austin)
Rosa 'Auscot' (Abraham Darby)
Rosa 'Auscountry' (Country Living)

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