Geslacht: Rosa
Auteurs: L.
Nederlandse naam: Roos
Engelse namen: Rose, Roses
Duitse naam: Rose
Familie: Rosaceae (Rozenfamilie)

Rosa 'Dicnorth' (Harvest Fayre)
Rosa 'Dicobey' (Tequila Sunrise)
Rosa 'Dicodour' (Fragrant Dream)
Rosa 'Dicogle' (Valentine Heart)
Rosa 'Dicomo' (Tear Drop)
Rosa 'Dicor' (Redgold)
Rosa 'Dicpaint' (Painted Moon)
Rosa 'Dicparty' (Party Trick)
Rosa 'Dicpe' (Copper Pot)
Rosa 'Dicperhaps' (Quaker Star)
Rosa 'Dicplay' (New Horizon)
Rosa 'Dicquarrel' (Benita)
Rosa 'Dicquasar' (Dawn Chorus)
Rosa 'Dicquaser' zie: Rosa 'Dicquasar'
Rosa 'Dicqueen' (Melody Maker)
Rosa 'Dicracer' (Sunseeker)
Rosa 'Dicreason' (Our Molly)
Rosa 'Dicrelax' (Flair)
Rosa 'Dicroyal' (Princess Royal)
Rosa 'Dicsun' (Mr. JCB)
Rosa 'Dictalent' (Shine On)
Rosa 'Dictator' (Pure Bliss)
Rosa 'Dicumpteen' (Pretty in Pink)
Rosa 'Dicuncle' (Wine and Dine)
Rosa 'Dicuniform' (Boy O Boy)
Rosa 'Dicuptight' (Tintinara)
Rosa 'Dicvanilla' (Happy Ever After)
Rosa 'Dicvantage' (Roche Centenary)
Rosa 'Dicvision' (Midget Gem)
Rosa 'Dicvood' (Glenshane)
Rosa 'Dicwaffle' (Racy Lady)
Rosa 'Dicwhistle' (Dick's Delight)
Rosa 'Dicwhynot' (Newly Wed)
Rosa 'Dicwillynilly' (Old John)
Rosa 'Dicwitness' (Irish Eyes)
Rosa 'Dicwonder' (Marry Me)
Rosa 'Dicwriter' (Gordon Snell)
Rosa 'Dicxcon' (Danny Boy)
Rosa 'Dicxotic' (Lady Diana)
Rosa 'Dicxplosion' (Rainbow Magic)
Rosa 'Dicxtol' (Red Cottage)
Rosa 'Dicyardstick' (Crowning Glory)
Rosa 'Dicyellmag' (Yellow Sweet Magic)
Rosa 'Dicyeti' (Apricot Ice)
Rosa 'Diczest' (Lucky Duck)
Rosa 'Diczodiac' (Hide and Seek)
Rosa 'Diczombie' (Simply Heaven)
Rosa 'Diczoom' (La Bamba)
Rosa Die Welt(='Diekor') zie: Rosa 'Diekor' (Die Welt)
Rosa 'Diekor' (Die Welt)

1 ... 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 ... 405

Plantenkennis programma